Who We Are


Co-Lead Principal Investigators

Peter Presier

PhD, NTU Biological Sciences

Professor of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology

NTU Integrated Medical, Biological and Environmental Life Sciences

Prof Peter Preiser is the Chair of the School of Biological Sciences and a Professor of Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He obtained a B.A. in 1986 and his Ph.D. in Biology in 1991 from the University of Delaware, USA. After his postdoctoral appointment at Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, USA, Pr Preiser joined London’s National Institute for Medical Research as a Senior Research Scientist. In 2003 he left London to join NTU’s School of Biological Sciences (SBS) as an Associate Professor and was later promoted to full Professor in 2009.

The Preiser research group focuses on molecular mechanisms by which the malaria parasite is able to avoid host immunity and adapt to changes in the host cell environment.


Malaria pathobiology and immune evasion

Plasmodium falciparum and vivax multigene families (rhoptry protein, variant STEVOR antigen, VIR)

Identification of drug targets involved in the DNA replication of the plastid DNA of P. falciparum

AMR IRG projects include defining the epitranscriptomic regulation of artimisinin-induced stress response in the malaria parasite and the surveillance and monitoring of artimisinin resistance in malaria.

Projects I Contribute To

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